Rolta Testing Services: Solutions for Functional Testing, System Testing, Performance Engineering and Automated Testing
Rolta’s offers comprehensive services for Business Process testing, System Integration testing, Oracle ERP testing, GIS testing, Business Intelligence (BI) testing, SOA/Web Service testing and consulting.
The cost of application development is high, driving a greater need for testing experts than ever before. Today, choosing the right outsourced testing team is crucial to an organization’s ability to deliver products and projects to the market faster and at lower costs.
Expertise in the fields of both project and product testing has provided Rolta the unique ability to create innovative testing methodologies to deliver high efficiency and quality.
Rolta’s testing practice offers a host of testing services for end to end Business Process testing, System Integration testing, Oracle ERP testing, GIS testing, Business Intelligence (BI) Testing, SOA/Web service Testing and consulting.
- Diverse automation and performance frameworks with innovative tools and infrastructure
- Vast experience in industry standard ERP, CRM and other turnkey applications in multiple technologies
- Flexible support for every phase of a Software Testing life cycle
- Expertise to test the products and projects in different domains
At Rolta, we believe that quality results come from having the right people with the right tools and the right processes from the beginning to the end of a project. ROLTA’s testing teams work toward achieving KPIs and metrics that deliver the clear business benefits you desire. We operate each engagement with a transparency that enables you to maintain and continually improve quality long after project completion.