Engineering Design Automation: Comprehensive Solutions for EPCs to Increase Project Margins, Reduce Project Durations and Improve the Quality of Design Deliverables.
Rolta offers consulting support to help EPCs increase efficiency, protect Intellectual Property, and minimize the number of applications and spreadsheets required for engineering work processes.
Today, there are a lot of challenges associated with Engineering Design projects. In the current economic environment, Engineering and Procurement Companies (EPC) are under competitive pressure to reduce costs. Risks associated with large scale projects are forcing EPCs to create partnerships of two or more EPCs to deliver these large projects. Owner Operators are contractually requiring engineering databases in “Turn-Over” packages.
Rolta has the expertise to address these challenges. Our consulting support can be used to identify how Engineering “Best Practices” can be used to increase efficiency; how strategies can be developed to minimize the number of internally developed spreadsheets and applications required to support the engineering work process and how Intellectual Property can be protected while working with another EPC and delivering final engineering data to the customer. Rolta is focused on providing solutions that allow EPCs to increase margin on projects, reduce project durations and improve the quality of design deliverables.
Rolta provides technology and infrastructure agnostic evaluation of the current state without a bias toward any simulation, design or database technology. We deliver best practices and business cases for their implementation, and provide information technology recommendations to complement and automate new work processes.