Power & Process: Overview
Rolta offers solutions for providing a seamless, integrated view of information, helping to identify lost opportunities, ensure effective production and help in the intelligent understanding of exceptions and trends.
Every day, organizations within the Power and Process industries rely on in depth information spread across various departments and business units. While providing exhaustive useful data, these information databases have also become islands of information that are accessible within but not across different departments. A collaborative environment along with a collaborative technology among its diverse stakeholders to meet its business goals is the need of the hour. Making an integrated view of the information available to business stakeholders is easier said than done. Various layers of information need to be mined in order to get the maximum benefit from these data. This involves creating an exhaustive data model, regardless of where the data resides, from which many performance metrics can be easily derived and presented to the users. The business and plant data needs to be orchestrated in a seamless manner to get the maximum benefit out of the synergy made available through an integrated view of the information.
The use of collaborative technology to build a knowledge base will soon become a pre-requisite. This will provide the ability for users to assimilate and interpret large volumes of data and information to make informed on-time business decisions and evolve appropriate strategies. The collaborative work processes when correctly mapped and presented will define “Operations Excellence” for an organization. This must be developed around human collaborative work processes that connect different functional stakeholders, enabling them to function effectively. At a time when fluctuating product prices and demand significantly impacts the process Industry, organizations are constantly looking to reduce costs, improve efficiency and increase margins. Experts across the industry agree that a concerted effort is needed to improve overall operational effectiveness of process and power plants and their operations. This can be accomplished through actionable visibility in exceptions handling and a cross-functional visibility that fosters effective collaboration.
The Power and Process industries require an enterprise information system that is built on a real time data warehouse to fulfill their extensive and dynamic information requirements. This real time information warehouse when associated with specific business scenarios helps business stakeholders link operations optimization through reduced downtime and improved measures in handling cost.