Battlefield Management Systems: Providing Real-time Accurate Information for Effective Decision Making
Rolta’s Battlefield Management Systems enable complete situational awareness by effectively displaying all crucial data required by a Field Commander at any given point of time.
In the chaos of battle, the ability to manage and control events at combat level and influence situations as they evolve is a key to mission success. Successful execution of fast moving operations will require an accelerated decision action cycle and an ability to conduct operations simultaneously within an all Arms group. The key to success will lie in effective command and control across the force. Simply put, unless we are able to network and automate such that the Observe, Orient, Decide & Act (OODA) loop gets compressed in terms of time, we‘ll end up ’out of synch’ and thus at a disadvantage.
A key component of military operation success is the ability to convert intelligence data into an information advantage that can be leveraged on the battlefield, thus enabling real time situational awareness, evaluation, planning and issue of orders and implementation of executive action.
With the help of Battlefield Management System, Commanders of any Arm or Service at various hierarchical levels can benefit from real time accurate information, enabling them to make the right decisions at the right time. Situational understanding of the battlefield is vital for any mission and for survivability. As such the system needs to be well integrated with the force’s resources so that it brings them:
- To the right place
- At the right time
- With the right lethality
Rolta Battlefield Management System provides integrated Common Operating Picture (COP) of the Battlefield, using collaborative planning tools for tactical commanders operating at the levels between Battalion HQ down to Section Commanders to make responsive and knowledge based decisions and exercise highly effective control in near real time over operations in a dynamic and fluid battlefield- while ensuring that they remain focused on their primary role… fighting.
- Accurate information
- Flexible communications
- Virtual reconnaissance
- Dynamic situational awareness
- Reports and Returns
- Generation and issue of orders and instructions
- Operational tempo
- Co-ordination
- Intelligence surveillance and Reconnaissance
- Navigation
- Logistics management
- Alerts
- Operational procurement and support costs
- Administrative time by the automation of Simple functions
- Training costs
- Maintenance
- Support
- Customization
- Operations