Rolta Photogrammetric Nucleus: A Core Module for Project Setup and Parameter Definition
The Rolta Photogrammetric Nucleus is a holistic solution for project setup and parameter definition, comprising of Project Management, Model Setup, Stereo Display and Feature Collection.
The Project Management module provides photogrammetric data management tools required for a production workflow, enabling greater efficiency in production and increased flexibility in project management. The User Points (von Gruber locations) defined in the project management module are displayed on all views. The Model Setup module allows image panning within any measurement window for smooth, real time image movement. Once a measurement is performed, point graphics corresponding to the point type being measured are displayed. The Stereo Display module enables modules to display and manipulate stereo imagery with photogrammetrically accurate 3D cursor tracking and stereo vector superimposition.
Key Features:
- Project Management – Camera and coordinate file maintenance including definition and editing.
- Project Management – Fully automatic and manual interior orientation.
- Project Management – Simple project layout allowing viewing of all photos and data.
- Project Management – Automatic photo preparation options.
- Model Setup – Ability to perform Interior orientation (manual and automatic), Single Photo Resection, Relative Orientation, and Absolute Orientation on digital aerial photographs.
- Model Setup – Easy to use Windows interface, direct access to Project Management module through pull down menus, simplified mouse control during stereo measurements, and real-time panning for image movement.
- Stereo Display – Modules to display and manipulate stereo imagery with photogrammetrically accurate 3-D cursor tracking, stereo vector superimposition, and image contrast and brightness adjustments
- Easy to use interface allows the setting up, reading and export of aerial triangulation readings on unlimited sized blocks of photography
- Ability to do many of the project management tasks in a batch mode
- Inexpensive method of independent model measurement – does not require stereo hardware for monoscopic measurements
- Immediate feedback to the operator on measurements taken via results window
- Automatic and interactive image enhancement allows the operator to see and measure points in sub-optimal image areas.
- Immediate feedback to the operator on measurements taken via results window
- Automatic image sharpening and enhancement provides for greater clarity in images