Software Defined Radio: An Effective Long Range Communication System
Rolta offers a Multiband Software Defined Radio solution for tactical mobile communications, providing secure voice and data services.
Rolta offers a Multiband Software Defined Radio solution for tactical mobile communications, providing secure voice and data services.
Military communications technologies are beginning to transition from single function “stove pipe” architectures to software defined radio systems (SDR) that can be dynamically reconfigured based on mission requirements. These new SDR platforms must support both legacy waveforms for voice and low-speed data, and new wideband waveforms providing high-speed data, multimedia content, and video conferencing. This shift in paradigm is being driven by interoperability requirements of various military forces. Therefore, the next generation of military radios will present a variety of challenges for the communications system. Rolta’s Software Defined Radio supports legacy waveforms, has an embedded GPS receiver, and comes with local and remote control options as well as an embedded encryption capability. It operates in the VHF/ UHF range with an embedded power amplifier capable of generating up to 5 watts of power output. Output power can further be increased by adding additional Power Amplifiers depending on the role and form factor required.
- High spectral efficiency
- High gross air Data Rates
- Simultaneous Data / Voice services
- Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) capability for voice and data services
- Self-configuring, self-healing, multi-hop network with a dynamic adaptation of the number of hops according to user positions and mobility
- Fast automatic configuration of multi-hop links between units
- Call groups, multicast, broadcast
- Quality of service for voice and data
- Enables long range communication