Enterprise Asset Management Solutions: Providing Public Works agencies with Immediate and Real-Time Access to Critical Metrics and KPIs
Rolta enables you to harness the power of geography and Business Intelligence to provide a single point of access to critical information through enterprise system optimization.
Today, Public Works agencies are often challenged by increased regulations, environmental risks and constrained budgets, compounded by increased customer service and delivery demands. Rolta’s Enterprise Asset Management solutions provide Public Works agencies with immediate and real-time access to critical metrics and key performance indicators without the complexity of traditional asset management systems. This allows executives to see critical information, assess current and future infrastructure conditions and prioritize projects and workforce activities through an intuitive, web-based interface that seamlessly integrates GIS, Business Intelligence platforms and leading Asset Management software systems for improved performance.
Rolta’s solutions for Enterprise Asset Management enable a geospatial centric approach for managing operational information, by creating and revealing information that is not apparent in individual systems. This provides for the analysis and visualization of operational status and trends in real time:
- Call Center Integration – Identifying and addressing infrastructure issues through customer service call patterns
- Work Order Management – Prioritizing current work activities based on trends and patterns
- Predictive Maintenance – Analyzing and prioritizing future work activities based on past activities
- CMMS Integration – Helping organizations maximize investments in Computerized Maintenance Management Systems
The industries catered to by this solution are given below, along with their relevant Rolta products.